We believe that there is one God; Creator and Lord of the universe, eternally existent in these person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, distinguishable but indivisible.
We believe that Jesus Christ was God the Son incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, truly God and truly man. He died on the cross of Calvary as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. He was buried, rose from the dead bodily and ascended into Heaven where He is now our interceding High Priest at the right hand of the Father.
We believe that the Bible, as we have it in the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments is Divinely inspired and the only infallible and authoritative word of God.
We believe that man was created in the image of God. He fell into sin and consequent separation from God. All men are sinners, both by birth and choice. As a result, man is by nature depraved, under condemnation and unable to attain unto divine righteousness.
We believe in the salvation of sinners by grace, through repentance and faith in the perfect and sufficient work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only basis for the remission of sins.
While it is essentially spiritual in nature, the benefits of salvation embrace the needs of the total person —body, soul and spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is instrumental in: Regeneration; that is the New Birth of every person who responds to God’s Word and accepts Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. The operation of the gifts and ministries of the Spirit as manifested in the early church. Divine healing of the body in its varied aspects as practised in the early church. Sanctification; a life of separation from the world to live a life of holiness, producing the fruit of the Spirit.
We believe in the reality and the personality of Satan and the eternal judgement of him and his angels. (Luke 4:1-13; Eph 6:12; Matt.25:41). We believe there are good angels God sends to guide and help his people in time of need.
We believe that the Church in the redeemed community of God’s people of all time, of which Jesus Christ is both, the Head and the Chief Cornerstone. It is both local and universal, visible and invisible, consisting of all those who have obeyed the Gospel.
The priesthood of all believers who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. To build up itself in love and unity of faith and grow up in all respects into Christ, the Head of the Church.​ To actively engage in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ among all nations. We believe that the necessity of water baptism by immersion for believers.
We believe in the resurrection from the dead of believers to eternal life and unbelievers to eternal judgement. We believe that Jesus Christ will return to this earth personally, visibly and bodily in power and in Glory to establish His Kingdom.